Are you looking for a way to burn fat quickly? You will be amazed at what you can achieve if you opt for something like Craig Ballantyne’s Turbulence Training Exercise E-Book program.
By adding lean muscle mass with intense resistance training, rather than going for the best cardio workout at home, your metabolism will be transformed into a super-efficient fat-burning machine. Craig discovered that, if you want to burn fat quickly, you can expect much better results from the strength training he offers in Turbulence Training, than boring and tedious cardio workouts.
You can be a super-fit, endurance athlete, yet your muscle definition and strength may be very poor, especially in your upper body. You may still be struggling to burn fat quickly, especially in the stomach area. In fact, you may even find that the best cardio workouts make you ravenously hungry, resulting in overeating and in fact self-sabotaging your weight loss efforts. This increase in appetite can comes as a very nasty surprise when folks think they are doing the ‘healthy’ thing with long, slow aerobic exercise.
So, where does high-intensity resistance training come in? While cardio training can be helpful, it takes a serious time commitment and has other drawbacks as mentioned above. If you want to burn body fat quickly, you can get faster results with a resistance and interval training program such as Craig Ballantyne’s Turbulence Training, than with any running program.
Resistance and interval training has been shown to trigger an increase in certain hormones. The result of this is a reduction in appetite, among other benefits. While Craig’s program do have a cardio element, the main focus is on strength training. You can get better body-shaping results in far less time. Imagine replacing five 45 minutes slow cardio workouts per week with just three 20-minute interval and resistance training sessions. Do the math and discover what a time-saving that gives you in a year.
If you have been doing slow cardio with little or no weight training for years and you switch to intense resistance training, you will be astonished at the results you will begin to achieve almost immediately. Struggling to burn fat quickly? Never! Not you! If you have become acquainted with the dreaded fat-loss plateau, you won’t believe how quickly you change that with strength training. Your metabolism will become mean, crunching calories at a fast clip even while you sleep.
Another great benefit is that you will be building your bones, preventing the onset of osteoporosis.
In fact, according to reviews, a workout like Turbulence Training will not just help with muscle definition. It will equip you to create a whole new definition of yourself. Your self-image and body image will sky-rocket. You will become strong in both mind and body. This is about much more than learning how to burn fat quickly. Aren’t you worth it?
It’s like the old business principle – 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts – so why do endless amounts of cardio and redundant strength training exercises? Do only what you need to do and then get out of the gym.
Click here to read more from Craig Ballantyne in Mens Health magazine.
Click here for some free Turbulence Training videos on Youtube.
Written for by R Susan.